Fiorella’s Story

Fiorella’s Story

Meet Fiorella from Chiclayo, Peru. With determination, a positive attitude, and support from her husband and parents, she’s been successfully managing her chronic myeloid leukemia for 20 years now. She’s also been able to start a family of her own.

Fiorella’s story shows the power of the human spirit and the importance of providing access to high-quality medication for those who need it most.


The Max Foundation (Max) is a global health nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating health equity. For more than 25 years, Max has pioneered practical, scalable, high-quality solutions to bring lifesaving treatments and patient-centered health care to more than 100,000 people living with cancer and critical illness in low- and middle-income countries. Max believes in a world where all people can access high-impact medicines, where geography is not destiny, and where everyone can strive for health with dignity and with hope. Learn more at www.themaxfoundation.org

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