How we do it
Our comprehensive approach involves delivering life-extending treatment to those who need it most. We utilize the latest technology to communicate with our partners and strengthen health systems in the countries where we operate.
Supply Chain + Logistics
As we ship treatments across oceans and borders, safety and quality are our highest priorities. With our distribution partners, we’ve built an efficient and validated supply chain that safely delivers medicine around the world.
Building good relationships with customs and our local logistics partners is key and has always helped me find a way. Also, staying up to date on the latest rules and regulations helps us stay one step ahead and has helped us the majority of times to clear our consignments. What’s also critical is maintaining clear communication and regular contact with all involved parties. Most solutions are found simply by properly communicating the issue and brainstorming for a solution with them.
Network + Partners
We work with corporations, nonprofits, and industry experts dedicated to overcoming health disparities globally. Additionally, we partner with hundreds of healthcare professionals who interact directly with patients and their families.
Industry should join patient organizations and NGOs in raising awareness of the significant need of cancer patients and caregivers in underserved markets, and the opportunity and benefit of addressing this urgent health inequity. Together, we have a stronger voice and greater stature we can put to use. Geography should not be destiny. Inequity should have no safe haven in the world.
Patient Services
Access to treatment is more than medicine. We help people with cancer get ongoing peer-to-peer and individual care, diagnostic testing, and education as they navigate their disease and its long-term effects.
I am doing well because of the medication I receive. Thank you so much for The Max Foundation for not only giving medication for free, but also helping with my transportation for my health followup. Without the support, I would have a hard time coming up with the money to go for my follow-up appointment, as my income isn’t stable.
We developed an in-house, proprietary, real-time program called the Patient Access Tracking System (PATS®). It’s a custom database accessed by partner physicians and Max program staff that allows us to track each patient’s treatment lifecycle and better provide one-on-one support.
When a doctor requests treatment for a patient in an out-of-reach country, we ensure medicine gets to that patient. Multiply this by 30,000 patients across 80+ countries, and our supply chain becomes a complex system of forecasting demand, requesting donations, shipping medicines, tracking product, and confirming deliveries at each destination. Through interconnected technology, we successfully track stocks of medicine and forecast for future deliveries, all to get medicine into the hands of those in need.
Our future
Our mission in the next five years is to change perceptions so it will no longer be acceptable to leave patients behind, no matter who they are or where they live.
Treat more patients
We plan to launch operations in 10 new countries to enable physicians to provide life-extending treatment to those currently without access.
Amplify our voice
We will speak out more forcefully, and in more high-profile settings, about the moral imperative we all share to ensure patient access to innovative, high-impact medicine worldwide.
Robust partnerships
We will continue to pursue systematic improvements to our operational procedures, workforce development, training, and supply chain activities with the help of other organizations.

You Can Help
We wouldn’t be able to do this work without the generosity and compassion of our donors. We need your support to continue helping those no one else is.
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