
For more than 15 years, The Max Foundation and Novartis have partnered as leaders in the global oncology arena reducing premature mortality from chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and other rare cancers in neglected regions of the world.  The partnership, inaugurated through the Novartis’ Glivec International Patient Assistance Program known as GIPAP, made it possible for more than 75,000 people in low- and middle-income countries in ongoing need of Glivec to access the cancer therapy since 2002. Throughout the past decade, GIPAP expanded to include 75 low- and middle-income countries, over 450 treatment centers and more than 1400 physicians who participate on a voluntary basis.

In 2017 The Max Foundation, through its subsidiary MaxAid, and Novartis have renewed their commitment to patients by launching CMLPath to Care™ a new collaboration aimed at providing humanitarian access to treatment for CML and other rare cancers for those patients for whom no other form of local treatment access exists today.  CMLPath to Care consists of humanitarian product donations and funding support from Novartis to Max, and an innovative new distribution model developed and implemented by Max and its international distributor, under the Max Access Solution umbrella.

“We are incredibly proud of this partnership that has lasted more than 15 years and that will continue to ensure patients have access to treatment for years to come,” says Ann K. Novakowski, Associate Program Director with The Max Foundation. She continues, “Cancer is the second leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide¹, and the burden on resource-poor countries is high. This partnership presents an incredible opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the UN Sustainable Development Goal on reducing premature mortality from cancer. Moreover, our commitment to CMLPath to Care cannot be measured simply in terms of treatment access. We recognize the significant and profound impact it has on the lives of survivors and their communities. Access to treatment is access to life, and the time it affords cancer survivors is invaluable.”

CMLPath to Care connects patients and their carers with effective treatments and professional medical capabilities, alongside in-network physicians and hands-on support.  As the largest global initiative of humanitarian access to treatment for cancer, CMLPath to Care will carry forward the momentum started by GIPAP to decrease premature mortality from CML and other rare cancers until local access solutions are developed.

The staggered transition from GIPAP to CMLPath to Care is taking place throughout 2017 and into 2018 to ensure a smooth transition for the patients it serves by working closely with partner institutions and healthcare providers in the recipient countries.

1: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs297/en/

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