
In 2017, The Max Foundation and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch) embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration to increase access to testing for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients in under-resourced countries.

The collaboration is called Spot On CML and utilizes a special process developed by Fred Hutch researcher and The Max Foundation board member Dr. Jerry Radich. In it, paper test cards are spotted with dried blood samples and mailed to Fred Hutch from all over the world, where researchers perform testing on the samples free-of-charge.

Today, Spot On CML is active in 19 countries and, on June 29th, 17 patients were chosen by the treating physicians at Philippine General Hospital to take part in the program. While CML testing is available in the Philippines, it’s prohibitively expensive – placing critical diagnostic information out of reach for many patients.

The patients, the treating physicians at Philippine General, and the team at The Max Foundation all offer their heartfelt gratitude to Fred Hutch for this wonderful collaboration.