The Max Foundation Welcomes New Member to Executive Team

The Max Foundation Welcomes New Member to Executive Team

The Max Foundation is thrilled to announce the hiring of Patricia Pearce as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Vice President (VP) of Administration. She joins the team at our Seattle headquarters beginning on Monday, July 30th.

Patricia brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our organization, having been a senior member of staff at PATH during their exponential growth. Her addition to the team will help to ensure The Max Foundation’s continued success during our own period of rapid expansion, and serve as a crucial component in fulfilling the final piece of our 2015 strategic plan – improving our systems and processes.

Beyond her immediate contributions as CFO, Patti will also provide invaluable leadership as VP of Administration, building out our Accounting, Facilities, Human Resources, and Information Technology departments.

“I have total confidence in Patti,” said Pat Garcia-Gonzalez, CEO. “She is the perfect fit for this new leadership role within The Max Foundation. Her extensive experience in the INGO sector will greatly benefit our organization in both the short- and long-term, and provide us with another leader who can guide us to our vision of the future.”

The Max Foundation is a leading global health nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating health equity. For 27 years, Max has pioneered practical, scalable, high-quality solutions to bring life-extending treatments and patient-centered health care to more than 100,000 people living with cancer and critical illness in low- and middle-income countries. Max believes in a world where all people can access high-impact medicines, where geography is not destiny, and where everyone can strive for health with dignity and with hope.

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