
Max, today we remember you on the anniversary of your birthday. October 19th is, and forever will be your day, Max’s Day. Today is a day filled with joy, love, and hope; a day we celebrate your life and honor your spirit, still shining bright through so many people in all corners of the world.

It’s all because of you, I can face another day.

This sentiment was shared by our dear friend Tony from Malaysia, a cancer survivor and singer songwriter who wrote a song in our honor which he simply titled, ‘You’. Tony’s lyrics talk about the one who goes before us, and whose journey made our lives today better.

My friends, Tony’s song is a wonderful homage to Max and to those who carry on his memory, and it is also a great reminder of the power each of us has to be that person who faces life’s toughest challenge, not thinking just about themselves but rather thinking of others.

Max has inspired hundreds if not thousands of survivors to live outward facing lives of action in the face of their cancer diagnosis.  Together, during the month of October, in 44 different events held in 36 countries they are recreating Max’s legacy over and over again, in perpetuity.

In honor of Max’s Day, we reflect and ask ourselves, “What am I doing to be that ‘you’ in Tony’s song?  Where is my opportunity to create an outward facing journey?” Please consider helping others face cancer with dignity and hope by making a charitable gift in Max’s honor.

I am forever grateful to each patient, caregiver, colleague, partner, sponsor, friend and supporter who carries on Max’s memory as a symbol of love and hope.

Yours truly, Pat