
blogpost401_1This year, like past years, 16 patient support groups in Africa and Middle East have joined the Maximize Life Campaign with enthusiasm and excitement. All the groups in Africa welcome back our friends from Sierra Leone who inspired us all with their resilience in the face of the Ebola epidemic that touched their country.

The month of October has become synonymous with a month where advocacy, disease information, and the fight against the stigma of cancer is at the frontline in the region. Many of the campaign events have invited local medial to increase the reach and visibility of the local support groups. Members of the groups have used their social media platforms to let the world know they are alive and living well with CML because they have access to treatment.

Patient leaders from Africa are taking to the airways during Maximize life to call on their local governments to get involved and increase access to treatment and monitoring tests for all cancer patients. Support group members are openly sharing their stories. Members want to educate their community on the importance of early cancer detection and treatment. They especially want to show that it is possible to be a productive member of society when one has access to treatment.