Sharing the Colors of Hope book.
Sharing the Colors of Hope book.

Un Paso Max, meaning “Un Paso Mas” (One More Step) is a fitting name for a group led by cancer survivors who are willing to take an extra step to help others. Un Paso Max is the name of the CML and GIST patient association in the Dominican Republic. One can trace the origins of this group to a small meeting in 2008. It only took a bit of encouragement and support on the part of The Max Foundation to unlock the passion of a handful of courageous survivors in Santo Domingo, and the seed of a patient association was planted.

By 2009 the core group leaders were able to organize a patient meeting attended by more than 100 survivors and their families. Survivors and caregivers were happy to share experiences and stories with people going through the same situation and living with cancer. Among themselves they decided to become an official group to support each other and be a resource for newly diagnosed patients and their families. Everyone participated in the name selection and the Un Paso Max (One More Step) patient support group was born.

In 2010 Un Paso Max, with the support of volunteers, families and friends, was officially registered as a non-profit organization in the Dominican Republic. This is a very big step and a significant achievement for the group and I want to congratulate all the members of Un Paso Max in the Dominican Republic.

“Un Paso Max is dedicated to providing support and education on leukemia and GIST to patients, caregivers and families. The idea was born out of a few patients supported by The Max Foundation. Today it’s a big group with more than 150 members that can support each other.” the President of Un Paso Max, Claudia Fernandez, informed us.

The board members of Un Paso Max, with the support of their families and friends are leading the survivors into organizing fundraising events and bringing awareness to the local community.   Lately, they became known in the region and internationally, when representatives of the group participated in different international conferences. Un Paso Max now has the opportunity to collaborate with other cancer patient organizations in Latin America and to share their experiences and tools to reach their goals.

Un Paso Max works hard to raise funds and help patients with access to diagnostics and treatment and to educate and support patients, families and survivors.

If you want more information of Un Paso Max, below is their contact information:
Fundación Un Paso Max
Claudia Fernandez (President)
Oscar Alberti (Vice-president)
E-mail: unpasomax@gmail.com
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic