Welcome to our new website!
At The Max Foundation, we have declared 2016 as the year we ‘leap forward for impact’. With that in mind, our first milestone is the launch of our brand new website. Redesigning our website has been both a strategic and soul-searching exercise that we have done all for you. We see our website as a platform for you to engage with us as partners in our mission.
We can’t wait for you to see the website for yourself: Explore Our New Website.
These new features were designed especially for you…
- If you look at only one feature in the entire website, we hope it will be our interactive global map. Our map is the backbone of the site and shows the breadth of our collective impact.
- We tell you WHY we need you to join with us by sharing statistics on how people living with cancer in low-and middle-income countries are disproportionately impacted by the global cancer epidemic.
- We share WHAT we are doing with your support to help people facing cancer around the world; from treatment access to education to advocacy.
- We show you WHERE your collaboration is already making a difference within our regional pages: Africa & Middle East, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and South Asia.
- And we invite you to Get Involved in our efforts to improve global access to cancer treatment, care and support by creating your own fundraiser, joining Chai for Cancer and giving to The Max Foundation.
This is your website, just as much as it is ours. It is for your friends and ours, all of whom are touched by cancer. The Max Foundation’s website will be growing, evolving and getting stronger all the time. We hope you will bookmark the site so you can visit often. Enjoy your website tour!
In partnership,
All of us at The Max Foundation