
Category: Partner Spotlight

  • Announcing the Excellence in Patient Advocacy Award Winner

    Announcing the Excellence in Patient Advocacy Award Winner

    At The Max Foundation we are all about patients; deeply, profoundly, committed to patients and by extension their families and communities. To continue to foster this commitment, once a year we honor a team member who has exemplified our values and beliefs with the Excellence in Patient Advocacy Award. We are proud to announce the….

  • The Legacy of Dr. Bayzakova

    The Legacy of Dr. Bayzakova

    Today we remember Dr. Damira Bayzakova, a CML specialist and cancer advocate from Kyrgyzstan who passed away on November 16th 2020, due to complications with COVID-19. Dr. Bayzakova was an implementing partner for The Max Foundation since 2006, and was monumental in bringing life-saving treatment and cancer diagnostics into Kyrgyzstan. Dr. Bayzakova’s efforts to expand….

  • Critical Partnerships are Saving Lives Globally

    Critical Partnerships are Saving Lives Globally

    All of us at The Max Foundation are wholly committed to maximizing every opportunity to collaborate and build new partnerships on behalf of the patients we serve in low resource settings. We are excited to move onward to a new chapter with innovative opportunities to expand our impact. We hope you will see a place for yourself to join us in this effort to close the cancer divide!

  • Keeping Our Cool: Developing a Cold-Chain to Further Treatment Access

    Keeping Our Cool: Developing a Cold-Chain to Further Treatment Access

    A “cold-chain” product must remain within a specific temperature range at all times. On days- or weeks-long international shipments, it’s especially challenging (and expensive) to keep medicine at a constant temperature. Despite the inherent challenges, adding cold-chain capability is well worth the effort for the patients we support. By doing so, The Max Foundation will be able to better meet the needs of patients who are unresponsive to tablet therapies.

  • 20 Years of Gratitude

    20 Years of Gratitude

    This Thanksgiving holiday, we are grateful for 20 years of support from our global community.
    Thanks to each and every one of you for all you have done to bring dignity and hope to people facing cancer around the world.

    Click through our photo gallery to see some of our favorite moments of the year so far. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Ten Long Years to Climb to the Top

    Ten Long Years to Climb to the Top

    Tony Leo from from Malaysia and living in Singapore inspired The Max Foundation to host our 2017 Max Global Experience in Malaysia to climb Mt. Kinabalu. Tony’s story explains how this climb closes a 10-year-journey of discovering and living beyond his cancer diagnosis. 10 years ago, for my first attempt to climb Mount Kinabalu, I felt….

  • Scaling New Heights!

    Scaling New Heights!

    Over the past several months, we have been training, fundraising, and preparing to conquer Mt. Kinabalu, and now we’re counting down the days until our team meets at the foot of the mountain for the big climb. Why climb a mountain, you might ask?

  • The Max Foundation turns 20!

    The Max Foundation turns 20!

    It is The Max Foundation’s 20th Anniversary as an organization! That’s 7,300 days; 175,200 hours; 10,512,000 minutes. We are amazed, proud and grateful as we mark this milestone together with our global community.

  • Max CEO’s Ongoing Commitment to Treatment Access Solutions Recognized by iCMLf ERSAP Prize

    Max CEO’s Ongoing Commitment to Treatment Access Solutions Recognized by iCMLf ERSAP Prize

    We’re often reminded of why we put an effort in supporting people facing cancer – whether it comes through a patient story or through an organization’s investment in our work. This week, we humbly received another reminder: on Friday, May 22, the International Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Foundation awarded our CEO Pat Garcia-Gonzalez with the inaugural ERSAP (Emerging Region Support and Partnership) Prize. The iCMLf Directors and Scientific Advisors selected Pat because of her continued commitment, and The Max Foundation’s aim, to help people face cancer with dignity and hope.

  • Colors of Hope in The Lancet Oncology

    Colors of Hope in The Lancet Oncology

    At The Max Foundation, increasing global access to treatment for people around the world living with cancer is a core element of our mission. But access to treatment is only one piece in helping all people facing cancer live with dignity and hope. Fostering care and support for patients processing the hardships of cancer is essential.